Firm Overview

KJ Khalil Law Offices, Ltd., or simply KJK Law, was created with a simple goal in mind: to help immigrants navigate the labyrinth of ever-changing immigration laws and regulations in order to ultimately reach the immigration destination they desire.

We understand that all immigrants, whether organizations or individuals, have one common theme, and that is to attain an immigration status that satisfies their particular needs. This broad theme forms the basis for KJK Law’s approach to resolve a client’s immigration issue. We analyze legal situations, then harness our extensive knowledge and experience in U.S. Immigration law, to formulate and implement a collaborative legal strategy with clients to resolve their specific immigration issue.

A strategic approach to a simple goal, that is KJK Law’s philosophy. In courts, before federal government agencies, in front of executives and shareholders, or any environment, we will enforce our strategies and tenaciously advocate for our clients. As a result, for nearly fifteen years, we have been proud to be the bridge for countless clients, helping them get to their immigration destination!


To help immigrants navigate the labyrinth of ever-changing immigration laws and regulations in order to ultimately reach the immigration destination they desire – Khalil